A Black Friday Sale in Name Only

At GORAL, our Black Friday Sale isn’t just a way for us to clear seasonal and unwanted products; it's a conscious decision rooted in sustainability and thoughtful design. As a made-to-order brand, our approach to Black Friday differs from the typical clearance. Instead of discarding unsellable stock, we're taking a mindful step to curate a sale that aligns with our values. This event allows us to clear out our warehouse responsibly, making space for new, exciting creations in the pipeline.


By offering discounts on products that use materials we’re looking to discontinue, we're not only making room for fresh designs but also ensuring that every bit of material is used up, reducing waste while giving customers a last chance to get their hands on the styles we’ll be saying goodbye to. This intentional approach redefines the Black Friday experience, making it a meaningful opportunity for our customers to embrace our craftsmanship at a reduced cost.

In addition to our reductions on slow-moving products, we're opening the doors to our design archives with exclusive Mystery Boxes. These curated boxes contain samples, prototypes, discontinued gems, and unique 1-of-1 creations, offering our customers a chance to own a piece of GORAL history. These pairs have been taking up space in our warehouse as we deliberated on what to do with them so the decision was made to give fans of the brand a chance to get their hands on them in a way that means we don’t need to catalogue and list each individual pair.


But that's not all. Our commitment to repurposing extends to our materials, and this Black Friday marks the introduction of new colorways in our REPURPOSED range. These unique creations utilise surplus materials from different production runs throughout the year, giving them a distinctive flair.

Shop our Black Friday sale now.